Volunteer Opportunities
Interested in volunteering with Agape? Check out some of the volunteer opportunities below and let us know if you are interested by filling out the form. We will get in touch and get you on the schedule and give you more information. Some of our opportunities do require a background check.
We are always looking for people who just want to be a good friend. "Friends of Agape" are people or groups of people that come to the village on a regular basis to get to know the villagers. Maybe you come and play a game, just have a conversation, or share a meal. It is really up to you and your friends. Good friends are a vital part of a healthy life!
Work Projects
From time to time we have work that needs to be done in the village and on homes in the community. This could be painting, landscaping, construction, maintenance, and/or repairs. These mainly happen in the summer, but we can keep you posted on any upcoming needs or projects.
Fill Propane Tanks
This sounds strange doesn't it? But, it is a need that you could help with. We use propane to cook with and heat our water, so we go through it. If you are willing to help with this you would come, collect the empty tanks, go have them filled, and bring them back. We could cover the cost, so it would just take your time and would be a huge help! Tanks need to be refilled monthly.
Share A Meal
Would you be willing to prepare and share a home cooked meal with the village community once a month? It would be a such a blessing to have a home cooked meal from time to time! Plus it is a great way to get to know people.
Give A Ride
We help with transportation - provide bus passes, give rides, etc... Public transportation is great, but not the most convenient when you are trying to get groceries or do your laundry! Providing rides to get groceries (twice a month to Winco) or to do laundry would be huge! There is a free laundry event every other Tuesday not far from here that a ride there and back would be a big help for many. Plus, it is yet another way to get to know people!